Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Oscars 2014

I've been thinking about starting to blog for a long time now. As an Oscar fanatic, this year's Oscars are like a now-or-never chance for me to start. So here are my thoughts on this year's show, chronologically (not everything, just "highlights"):

  • Anne Hathaway presents Best Supporting Actor. Everyone knows it's gonna be Leto, so let's get him out of the way. AnnE acts weird. Jared Leto seems as though he is on some kind of drugs. His eyes... and it takes him weirdly long to perform whole sentences... He's not just on some harmless drug, and he has not taken just a little bit of it, if you ask me...
  • A few awards later, Indiana Jones himself introduces three of the nine Best Picture nominees. He is so bored by all of that...
  • An undistinguishable dude that I learned was Channing Tatum introduces... what was that? As far as I understood... winners of some sort of talent competition... whatever!
  • The botox victim Kim Novak and Texas T-Rex (thank you to the hilarious posters on www.crazydaysandnights.net for his nickname!) present Best Animated Short and Best Animated Feature.
  • Sally Field presents "ordinary heroes", and she is one of them. I don't really dig it. Nice to see Sally, though.
  • JGL + Hermione Granger present Best Achievement in Visual Effects. I love Emma, but honestly, she doesn't look too excited the whole night.
  • Kate Hudson + Jason Sudeikis present Best Live Action Short + Best Documentary Short. I wouldn't have recognized either of them. A tweet by a semi-famous person I won't name just now, whom I like very much, and who's a hilarious tweeter in general, mislead me to mistake Jason Sudeikis for Ezra Miller...
  • Kevin Spacey presents the Governor's Awards.